- Tanden
Machine & Micro-Motor
- Gipstrimmer
- Elektrolytisch Apparaat
- Hydraulische Pers
- Welding
- Polymerisatie Apparaat
- Bunzen
- Thermoforming Apparaat
- Lichtverhardingstoestel
- Verschillende
- Gelatine Apparaat
- Gietapparaat
- Turbinen en Micromotoren
- Compressor
- Vibrator
- Was Apparaat
- Gipsafscheider
- Tandkransfrees
- Hoven
- Polijst Aparaat
- Straalunit
- Ultrasonic Apparaat
- Menging Apparaat
- Afzuiging
- Uitbedbeitel
- Injectie
- Meubels
Machine & Micro-Motor
Vaste Prothese
- Cad/Cam
- Voorbereiding
- Losse Prothese
- Diverse
- Materiaal
- Machine & Micro-Motor
- Gipstrimmer
- Elektrolytisch Apparaat
- Hydraulische Pers
- Welding
- Polymerisatie Apparaat
- Bunzen
- Thermoforming Apparaat
- Lichtverhardingstoestel
- Verschillende
- Gelatine Apparaat
- Gietapparaat
- Turbinen en Micromotoren
- Compressor
- Vibrator
- Was Apparaat
- Gipsafscheider
- Tandkransfrees
- Hoven
- Polijst Aparaat
- Straalunit
- Ultrasonic Apparaat
- Menging Apparaat
- Afzuiging
- Uitbedbeitel
- Injectie
- Meubels
- Machine & Micro-Motor
- Vaste Prothese
- Cad/Cam
- Voorbereiding
- Losse Prothese
- Diverse
- Materiaal
Ca 37 normal set 20 x 500 gr promo pack Cavex AA075
Cavex CA37 Normal Set
20 x 500 gr
Features :
- worldwide reference
- firm consistency
- more rigid impression
- good tear and deformation resistance
- detail reproduction at least 50µm
- dust free
- pink peppermint aroma
- compatible with all types of gypsum, smooth gypsum surface
- patient friendly setting times in mouth
Normal Set 1.30 minutes
Fast Set 1 minute
Cavex CA37 Normal Set
20 x 500 gr
Features :
- worldwide reference
- firm consistency
- more rigid impression
- good tear and deformation resistance
- detail reproduction at least 50µm
- dust free
- pink peppermint aroma
- compatible with all types of gypsum, smooth gypsum surface
- patient friendly setting times in mouth
Normal Set 1.30 minutes
Fast Set 1 minute
Specifieke referenties
9 andere producten in dezelfde categorie:

Cavex CA37 Normal Set
20 x 500 gr
Features :
- worldwide reference
- firm consistency
- more rigid impression
- good tear and deformation resistance
- detail reproduction at least 50µm
- dust free
- pink peppermint aroma
- compatible with all types of gypsum, smooth gypsum surface
- patient friendly setting times in mouth
Normal Set 1.30 minutes
Fast Set 1 minute