Silicone Putty
Ormalab 85 5Kg + 2...
€ 73,64 -15% € 62,59A polysiloxane based, condensation type material, exclusively designed for extra-oral use in the dental laboratory. Ormalab 75 is indispensable whenever high quality performances are required.MAIN FEATURES: Perfect compatibility with cold-curing acrylic resins.High precision in details reproduction.Long lasting dimensional stability.Very high compressive strength and recovery from deformation.Sale formatsM7500 Ormalab 75 1,6kg (900 ml)M7510 Ormalab 75 5kgM7520 Ormalab 75 5kg + 2 Ormactivator 60 mlTECHNICAL DATAMixing Time:30"Working Time (at 23°C):2' 00"Setting Time (at 23°C):4' 30"Final hardness (after 24 h):75 (±3) Shore AShelf Life:2 years INTENDED USE:Matrices for fixed and total prosthesis.Prosthesis repairs.Matrices for temporary crowns and bridges.
Platinum 95 (1 + 1) Kg C400700
€ 44,49High precision laboratory A-Silicone putty material.
- Duplication of denture moulds
- Ceramics technique printed on verticulator
- Die in full dentures
- Control matrix for the design of metal structures
- Denture repair
- Bite recording key for positioning in articulator
- Matrix for use in making temporary crowns/bridges
- Matrix support for the working of metal free aesthetic materials
- Insulation of teeth/plaster in muffle
- Very high flowability
- Superior dimensional stability
- Heat resistance (over 200°C)
- Easy handling
- Excellent detail definition
- Can be milled
- Linear variation: -0.058% after 24 hours
- No deformation in flask
- 1:1 Mixing ratio
- Biocompatible
- Final hardness 95 Shore A
- Light blue colour
Warning: it is advisable not to use latex gloves.
Platinum 95 (5 + 5) Kg C400710
€ 155,49High precision laboratory A-Silicone putty material.
- Duplication of denture moulds
- Ceramics technique printed on verticulator
- Die in full dentures
- Control matrix for the design of metal structures
- Denture repair
- Bite recording key for positioning in articulator
- Matrix for use in making temporary crowns/bridges
- Matrix support for the working of metal free aesthetic materials
- Insulation of teeth/plaster in muffle
- Very high flowability
- Superior dimensional stability
- Heat resistance (over 200°C)
- Easy handling
- Excellent detail definition
- Can be milled
- Linear variation: -0.058% after 24 hours
- No deformation in flask
- 1:1 Mixing ratio
- Biocompatible
- Final hardness 95 Shore A
- Light blue colour
Warning: it is advisable not to use latex gloves.
Zetalabor 5Kg + 2 Activ....
€ 78,55Zetalabor 5 Kg + 2 ACT. GELZetalabor en Titanium, ontworpen voor tandheelkundige laboratoria, zijn condensatiesiliconen met een hoge hardheid en goede mechanische eigenschappen.Ze kunnen worden gebruikt in een verscheidenheid aan toepassingen die korte werktijden en lage werktemperaturen vereisen. Zetalabor en Titanium worden aanbevolen voor kolfvulling in uitneembare prothese toepassingen, sleutels voor het maken van kunstmatig tandvlees door middel van indirecte techniek, mallen voor de bereiding van zelfhardende harsen en vele andere toepassingen. Al meer dan 35 jaar helpt hun gebruiksgemak om laboratoriumprocedures te versnellen en de dagelijkse prestaties van laboratoriumtechnici te verbeteren.Eigenschappen- Hittebestendig tot 100°C- Goede nauwkeurigheid- Siliconen alleen mengen met katalysatorgelVoordelen- Tijdbesparend- Uitstekende prijs-kwaliteitverhouding- Voor gebruik met warme en koude harsen